
Rank: 847th
Account: Amimous
Team: San Andreas Masters
Total: 30
1st: 2
2nd: 7
3rd: 0
Finishes: 15
Kills: 2

 Map TimeDateTop time
41.[RACE] Reaper02:04:0602015-10-15 20:03:18
42.[RACE] SF Operation Golf02:25:4502017-01-13 03:33:24
43.[RACE] SFBurnthru1402:36:6462015-10-16 23:41:19
44.[RACE] Sultan LeMans03:38:6962015-10-16 21:57:38
45.[RACE] Sweet sultan02:17:6322015-10-15 20:08:31
46.[RACE] Symatree01:44:9742015-10-16 15:33:46
47.[RACE] The smog01:50:4792015-10-16 23:34:08
48.[RACE] The specialist 901:41:5102015-10-25 21:33:43
49.[RACE] Thunder Valley 3 Reverse01:26:8622015-10-16 22:17:30
50.[RACE] Tma-Sa-7-Short00:54:3102017-01-13 03:52:10
51.[RACE] Turbo201:33:8052017-01-13 03:35:12
52.[RACE] Working for it02:38:0812015-10-16 22:03:05
53.[RACE] Zagzig02:31:0432015-10-16 23:44:05

Database updated: Today at 08:43:40

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