|Genetic Paradoxon|

Rank: 5th
Members: 18
Total: 1,230
1st: 90
2nd: 64
3rd: 41
Finishes: 173
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
21.[RACE] Alpha beta100000
22.[RACE] Alphabite100000
23.[RACE] Another day at the quarry100000
24.[RACE] Another day at the Quarry 2200000
25.[RACE] Apollo310010
26.[RACE] Arkstadt100000
27.[RACE] Around 2wice more100000
28.[RACE] Around Around300000
29.[RACE] Arrapella100000
30.[RACE] Avacado raceway200000
31.[RACE] Back to reality100000
32.[RACE] Baltika100000
33.[RACE] Banana Fishbone300000
34.[RACE] Banana Fishbone V3110010
35.[RACE] Bandito100010
36.[RACE] BankerV2200000
37.[RACE] Bansai200000
38.[RACE] Banshee memorial300000
39.[RACE] Banshee Run300000
40.[RACE] Be Careful111010

Database updated: Today at 18:52:09

Designed by Surge