Death Monsters

Rank: 17th
Members: 5
Total: 52,779
1st: 1,658
2nd: 465
3rd: 103
Finishes: 2,257
Kills: 32

 MapTotal1st2nd3rdFinishes Kills
1.[DM] DizzasTeR ft. Zaja ft. Zeist - For Fuck's Sake1200000
2.[DM] Tom[My] ft. AsTo[N] ft. Esp4wN ft. ~ProtoN! - Tropical Paradise II800000
3.[DM] RuSO Vol.9 - Finest Hour II900000
4.[DM] Pipo Vol.2 - Natural Breeze II1600000
5.[DM] SaPpHirE ft. FiNN - Artificial Quietness3900000
6.[DM] niX# ft. FiNN - HeadRush3000000
7.[DM] Audi Vol.1 - Emergence100000
8.[DM] Slime Vol.1 - Rudimental Rhythm500000
9.[DM] Pakashi ft. Skaarj ft. Bc - Lost Paradise II2200000
10.[DM] RydeR ft. Thyke ft. BrighT - Outside II300000
11.[DM] BenT Vol.5 - Rocks in the Forest II100000
12.[DM] CooN Vol.5 - Waterfront4700000
13.[DM] Dimka73 Vol.15 - For The Love Of Cosa_Nostra3300000
14.[DM] Simple ft. ShuX ft. Chipy - Independency500000
15.[DM] Cookie ft. Corrupt - Naturally Skilled III900000
16.[DM] EwiL Vol.7 - Splendid II700000
17.[DM] Infra ft. Tx! - Undiscovered Island400000
18.[DM] FanTa ft. KLT - Presume The Future!400000
19.[DM] Mighty Vol.2 - Behind the stars500000
20.[DM] xCro Vol.7 - Raindrops IV1400000

Database updated: Today at 18:10:47

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