
Rank: 34th
Account: DaveeY
Team: Tomato Victims :(
Total: 15,957
1st: 285
2nd: 136
3rd: 38
Finishes: 484
Kills: 15

 Map TimeDateTop time
21.[DM] Darius Vol.2 - SimpliCity02:51:7692015-04-30 19:19:32
22.[DM] DioGo ft. MoonSpell - Cousins Style02:19:9392014-09-25 18:00:54
23.[DM] Disaster Vol.3 - Stuck in my Nightmare03:04:3802014-09-07 11:48:40
24.[DM] ExcisioN Vol.6 - Unforgettable03:02:0772014-11-09 15:59:30
25.[DM] eXcY Vol.2 - Forgoten Lands02:54:6842015-09-05 16:19:18
26.[DM] Eyecatche[R] ft. Goku - Area Of Silence02:54:6002015-09-24 23:05:12
27.[DM] Felina ft. Cryptex ft. Stylex ft. iRenox - A Place of Beauty II03:27:3282015-09-08 17:32:56
28.[DM] Gostrid3R Vol.8 - Endless Stairs II03:04:6452016-02-13 22:48:09
29.[DM] GravitY Vol.2 - Evanescence03:06:9742014-08-08 21:26:28
30.[DM] Greck ft. XzT ft. BRA - Fellow Team III03:06:6612015-09-26 15:23:23
31.[DM] Gteatero Vol.8 - Effervescence03:16:9492018-06-11 16:48:46
32.[DM] GTX Vol.1 - Stars Dreaming04:25:1462016-03-20 18:59:07
33.[DM] HawT! Vol.4 - The Fast Lane II03:29:7752014-08-26 23:39:02
34.[DM] HTML# - Vol.2 - Galatha'S 03:24:9672014-09-12 10:51:59
35.[DM] Jackob Vol.3 - Time Traveling05:38:8162014-09-21 23:15:41
36.[DM] Jawed Vol.4 - Ultranumb03:43:0442016-06-30 23:00:19
37.[DM] JuserO ft. SpiizO - Bangerz02:44:1272015-11-06 16:29:40
38.[DM] K7 Vol.1 - Simple02:53:3392014-08-19 17:10:49
39.[DM] Kacsa Vol.3 - Battle Scar03:12:4452014-10-06 18:11:35
40.[DM] KaM! Vol.3 - Dinosaurs03:33:1962016-03-12 20:29:32

Database updated: Today at 20:36:59

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