Make MTA Great Again

Rank: 14th
Members: 3
Total: 15,262
1st: 342
2nd: 43
3rd: 10
Finishes: 371
Kills: 12

 MapTotal1st 2nd3rdFinishesKills
21.[DM] CzerkA ft. ShacLe - Holocaust3031030
22.[DM] Driver ft. SK ft. Chipy ft. Second - Destination2030030
23.[DM] Nebla - 3651030030
24.[DM] Castiell ft. Nebla - Bezelguese1831031
25.[DM] CrystalCastles Vol.5 - Forbidden Planet820020
26.[DM] Ravolt ft. KacaK - Atomic Effect1121022
27.[DM] Felina ft. Cryptex ft. Stylex ft. iRenox - A Place of Beauty II920020
28.[DM] Stolen ft. ReazZon - Integrity720020
29.[DM] norbi Vol.5 - Empathy2722140
30.[DM] BrokeN ft. iRenox ft. Roy4L ft. KnOwN - Once Again1020020
31.[DM] CsaWee Vol.4 - Escape7021030
32.[DM] CoNquesT Vol.2 - The Conquest of MTA1020020
33.[DM] NobeuS ft. CresPro ft. Dubst3p ft. Rizom - Death Valley720020
34.[DM] HawT! Vol.4 - The Fast Lane II3020020
35.[DM] Disaster Vol.3 - Stuck in my Nightmare1120020
36.[DM] PuNk ft. DLF ft. Chipy - Opportunities620020
37.[DM] Excy ft. DLF ft. Tor3To - Forgotten Lands II821020
38.[DM] eXcY Vol.2 - Forgoten Lands1020020
39.[DM] SwoRN Vol.5 - Forest Trip720020
40.[DM] SwoRN ft. SaveS - With The New Adventure1220020

Database updated: Today at 22:46:36

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