|| HardCore Clan ||

Rank: 6th
Members: 5
Total: 2,785
1st: 820
2nd: 595
3rd: 357
Finishes: 1,713
Kills: 3

 MapTotal 1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
41.[RACE] Quarrybang630260
42.[RACE] The test610010
43.[RACE] Tracker 2610020
44.[RACE] Elemento610140
45.[RACE] Into the void620130
46.[RACE] Mettle622032
47.[RACE] Caddy Falls 2603140
48.[RACE] Foldon Vizen Levegoben600000
49.[RACE] Perverse632160
50.[RACE] lightningvalley620020
51.[RACE] 10Lap Hotring644160
52.[RACE] paperclip633240
53.[RACE] LS Uranus610010
54.[RACE] Forum622040
55.[RACE] comet control610010
56.[RACE] the venturas comet631150
57.[RACE] Fuel630140
58.[RACE] forbes park622150
59.[RACE] Megadeath620130
60.[RACE] Leviapron621140

Database updated: Today at 05:15:05

Designed by Surge