Rank: 21st
Account: light99
Team: [CwC] Cuz we Can
Total: 362
1st: 6
2nd: 10
3rd: 13
Finishes: 102
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] ZedrimR01:46:8072015-12-06 18:01:57
2.[RACE] Wu Zi Mu02:18:9932014-09-02 19:43:14
3.[RACE] Wraith02:22:5282015-07-01 18:23:03
4.[RACE] Winfield01:58:3892015-12-06 18:04:43
5.[RACE] Wild Cheetahs04:07:7542014-09-04 17:01:54
6.[RACE] Voltario01:45:4002015-12-06 18:35:16
7.[RACE] Venturas skirmish01:32:8592015-12-06 18:27:53
8.[RACE] Under Pressure02:16:2842015-12-13 18:45:23
9.[RACE] twice around the block02:16:9192015-12-06 18:25:44
10.[RACE] Tremorgothic02:08:8282015-12-13 18:47:49
11.[RACE] Trans am02:54:1512015-06-28 20:38:15
12.[RACE] Tma-Sa-701:29:7962014-12-01 17:54:02
13.[RACE] Thunder Valley 203:10:6762014-11-22 15:55:12
14.[RACE] The Venturas Blister02:11:2202015-07-29 18:16:06
15.[RACE] The long kick03:32:5582015-07-02 16:15:32
16.[RACE] The Aurora02:52:0462014-12-01 17:40:15
17.[RACE] sultan802:28:3302015-06-30 23:37:22
18.[RACE] Spacetube Sandking02:12:2372014-03-08 13:55:26
19.[RACE] slidey shit03:24:2842015-07-02 18:06:46
20.[RACE] Sinners bay01:57:2022015-12-06 18:30:25

Database updated: Today at 06:23:24

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