fia 2017 a sas

Rank: 114th
Account: Soma
Team: GoD From AliExpress
Total: 5,489
1st: 29
2nd: 9
3rd: 2
Finishes: 41
Kills: 1

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[DM] TheNicO Vol.8 - Drowning of Fumes03:03:6402023-04-18 21:02:33
2.[DM] RydeR ft. Mirage ft. Sunbathe ft. AnUs - Touch II03:11:4722022-08-07 01:26:47
3.[DM] Rafinha ft. SebaS - Merry Christmas03:28:6972022-09-10 20:31:35
4.[DM] PuNk ft. DLF ft. Chipy - Opportunities02:58:6302022-09-01 23:53:07
5.[DM] Packy Vol.13 - Defiance01:19:5492022-08-28 00:19:45
6.[DM] norbi Vol.5 - Empathy03:12:5362022-09-02 23:39:42
7.[DM] Moonlight ft. Quantum - Boxville Trip01:40:5562022-08-22 21:00:21
8.[DM] Mir ft. Krzysztof - Downtown Passage03:49:1972022-08-28 14:23:10
9.[DM] Miketz ft. Rage# - Kryptrun02:23:7052022-09-14 00:02:45
10.[DM] Krzysztof - Tomb Raider II04:37:5262022-08-10 23:56:04
11.[DM] Krzysztof - Tomb Raider05:49:8002022-08-04 23:09:02
12.[DM] K-paX ft. Tobsen ft. Krazyyy - Diamond Sky03:13:1902022-09-03 00:00:24
13.[DM] Gteatero Vol.8 - Effervescence03:00:4532022-09-15 21:57:09
14.[DM] Gteatero - Wild Traveller05:20:9322022-08-21 14:55:09
15.[DM] Greck ft. XzT ft. BRA - Fellow Team III03:35:1282023-08-09 22:32:19
16.[DM] FlinT ft. Gravity ft. Viko ft. Beny - Fiction00:04:0522023-09-23 14:30:39
17.[DM] Dimi Vol.6 - The Dark Solution03:35:3322023-04-17 19:50:35
18.[DM] CzerkA ft. ShacLe - Holocaust02:51:9002022-08-17 21:39:42
19.[DM] Corrupt Vol.3 - Cocolani Island02:39:0272022-09-06 22:44:52
20.[DM] CarmY - Old Feelings02:50:9652022-09-10 20:40:28

Database updated: Today at 18:56:03

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