
Rank: 187th
Account: grosa
Team: gecy.
Total: 21
1st: 1
2nd: 6
3rd: 0
Finishes: 8
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] Aeroport02:13:5012015-06-29 18:33:45
2.[RACE] Banshee memorial02:58:9172016-02-06 13:31:49
3.[RACE] Carquake part105:09:6032015-05-05 11:15:42
4.[RACE] closeracing03:33:0162015-12-16 19:20:37
5.[RACE] Grey water01:43:2672019-12-18 00:21:14
6.[RACE] HW501:47:9922015-07-24 18:40:26
7.[RACE] infernus drift league02:22:8442015-05-05 10:59:02
8.[RACE] Infernus Slalom03:10:3372015-05-05 10:52:47
9.[RACE] magenta speedway03:07:7942015-12-16 19:16:20
10.[RACE] Rise of the buffalo02:06:6462015-07-24 18:38:09
11.[RACE] The knockout extended01:50:0722015-05-05 11:07:45
12.[RACE] Whetstone roundhouse02:31:9822019-12-18 00:24:28

Database updated: Today at 14:02:26

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