no advance

Rank: 12th
Members: 2
Total: 1,776
1st: 464
2nd: 463
3rd: 241
Finishes: 1,063
Kills: 7

 MapTotal1st2nd3rdFinishes Kills
41.[RACE] closeracing4502130
42.[RACE] Seaburn411130
43.[RACE] closeracing2012420130
44.[RACE] Poutain reversed421230
45.[RACE] FDP Drag320130
46.[RACE] infernus drift league 3320130
47.[RACE] Ignition302130
48.[RACE] Scooby valley 2512330
49.[RACE] Adhesion332030
50.[RACE] GoFastFTW511030
51.[RACE] The Arizona Strip321130
52.[RACE] Dirtyvegas4311130
53.[RACE] The specialist 9312030
54.[RACE] Circuit de Santos321030
55.[RACE] Mowhawk321030
56.[RACE] thundervalley_2330030
57.[RACE] You cannot be serious300130
58.[RACE] Juice402130
59.[RACE] Blue water421130
60.[RACE] Bullring2430030

Database updated: Today at 19:27:12

Designed by Surge