
Rank: 730th
Account: thythy
Team: fak fak yolo yolo
XP: 17,766
Money: $962,045
Joins: 68
Mutes: 1
Kicks: 3
Bans: 0
Messages: 663
Words: 1,824
Characters: 8,070
Playtime: 13 hours, 9 minutes, 37 seconds
Last seen: 2017-03-12 13:17:03

1.The UndeadWin 15 times in a row.100%4,000 XP2016-08-21 15:38:49
2.GhostWin 10 times in a row.100%1,750 XP2016-08-21 15:26:36
3.DD WinnerWin 25 times on DD maps.100%250 XP2016-08-21 15:26:36
4.TeamerJoin a team.100%1,000 XP2016-08-02 15:45:08
5.InvincibleWin 5 times in a row.100%500 XP2016-08-01 21:21:18
6.KillerKill 50 players on DD maps.100%250 XP2016-08-01 20:36:53
7.DM NoliferPlay 10000 times on DM maps.0.1%10,000 XP
8.DM GeekPlay 5000 times on DM maps.0.2%5,000 XP
9.DM AddictPlay 1000 times on DM maps.0.8%1,000 XP
10.DD NoliferPlay 10000 times on DD maps.3.1%10,000 XP
11.AddictWaste 25 hours of your life playing on our servers.52.6%250 XP
12.Shop AddictBuy the next map 25 times.60%1,250 XP
13.ShopaholicBuy the next map 100 times.15%5,000 XP
14.Race WinnerWin 25 times on Race maps.0%250 XP
15.Race ProWin 100 times on Race maps.0%1,000 XP
16.Race GodlikeWin 250 times on Race maps.0%2,500 XP
17.King of RaceWin 1000 times on Race maps.0%7,500 XP
18.Race AddictPlay 1000 times on Race maps.0%1,000 XP
19.Race GeekPlay 5000 times on Race maps.0%5,000 XP
20.DD GeekPlay 5000 times on DD maps.6.1%5,000 XP

Database updated: Today at 17:41:15

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