
Rank: 252nd
Account: Datheft15
Team: World stunt Evolution|
Total: 8,961
1st: 93
2nd: 50
3rd: 21
Finishes: 178
Kills: 11

 Map TimeDateTop time
21.[DM] norbi Vol.4 - Untried II03:05:0852014-10-06 18:54:26
22.[DM] norbi Vol.5 - Empathy03:11:7272014-04-02 17:55:02
23.[DM] Packy Vol.13 - Defiance05:36:9812014-12-10 16:11:25
24.[DM] Rage - Just Got Shrekt03:39:2652016-01-22 14:48:04
25.[DM] Ron1 Vol.3 - Crush04:10:8202014-04-11 17:32:50
26.[DM] Ron1 Vol.4 - On a way to paradise03:59:1092014-08-12 11:49:46
27.[DM] SlowSheep Vol.3 - The United04:04:6782015-06-24 19:05:41
28.[DM] SpektreM Vol.2 - Where Heroes Fell03:20:2572014-08-05 17:29:23
29.[DM] xCro Vol.6 - Speedrush II02:43:9312014-09-27 10:22:12

Database updated: Today at 23:32:46

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