
Rank: 10th
Members: 0
Total: 99
1st: 2
2nd: 12
3rd: 11
Finishes: 36
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
61.[RACE] RRL100000
62.[RACE] San Fierro Slalom100010
63.[RACE] SandKing of the road100000
64.[RACE] SF Burnthru 2400000
65.[RACE] steady as you go101010
66.[RACE] stratums turn100000
67.[RACE] Student On The Sky100000
68.[RACE] suberberection100110
69.[RACE] Tecknical switch100000
70.[RACE] The bigger picture101010
71.[RACE] Thunder Valley 2100000
72.[RACE] Thunder Valley 4100010
73.[RACE] Titanium111010
74.[RACE] tourismo talent100010
75.[RACE] Tourismo Talent 3100000
76.[RACE] Tourismo talent 4100110
77.[RACE] Tryathalon100000
78.[RACE] unnamed circuit100000
79.[RACE] Urban burn100000
80.[RACE] Wide open space100000

Database updated: Today at 04:57:24

Designed by Surge