
Rank: 618th
Account: burak17
Team: None
Total: 28
1st: 2
2nd: 2
3rd: 5
Finishes: 11
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] Bay Area Circuit03:53:0542015-01-15 20:00:27
2.[RACE] Cocaine02:20:4022015-01-28 19:19:30
3.[RACE] Crash n burn 402:55:8602016-02-18 14:01:34
4.[RACE] Follow thru02:26:2552015-01-15 20:03:39
5.[RACE] Going-Down203:02:0152015-01-12 20:29:01
6.[RACE] Going-Down303:05:5162015-01-12 20:18:05
7.[RACE] Going-Down604:57:3002015-01-12 20:34:35
8.[RACE] Insultan 201:48:6052015-01-12 20:37:04
9.[RACE] Intimid8or302:35:4412015-01-12 20:14:43
10.[RACE] Mean Machine 202:22:8642015-01-28 19:29:45
11.[RACE] Monumental05:21:1512016-02-18 14:07:10
12.[RACE] Nerves02:29:0392015-01-28 19:27:03
13.[RACE] Rise of the buffalo02:05:1802016-02-18 14:09:30
14.[RACE] Thunder Valley 202:58:6272016-02-18 14:12:43
15.[RACE] Thunder Valley 302:14:3762015-01-28 19:16:38

Database updated: Today at 09:00:01

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