
Rank: 36th
Members: 0
Total: 184
1st: 75
2nd: 63
3rd: 25
Finishes: 121
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
1.[RACE] 4x4 Halal Kanyon200000
2.[RACE] 666101010
3.[RACE] 7777100000
4.[RACE] 900LV100000
5.[RACE] a bridge too far110010
6.[RACE] Another day at the Quarry 2100000
7.[RACE] Arrapella101010
8.[RACE] Back to reality100000
9.[RACE] Banshee sprint 110010
10.[RACE] Bike blaze100000
11.[RACE] Black Mesa111010
12.[RACE] Blood feud100000
13.[RACE] Bodybag110010
14.[RACE] Bridge magnet111010
15.[RACE] buffalo stance101110
16.[RACE] Build 020100110
17.[RACE] Canada breeze222020
18.[RACE] Canada breeze 3100000
19.[RACE] Chiliad Climb100000
20.[RACE] Circuit de Santos110010

Database updated: Today at 07:52:31

Designed by Surge