
Rank: 36th
Members: 0
Total: 184
1st: 75
2nd: 63
3rd: 25
Finishes: 121
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
41.[RACE] Giles Villeneuve201010
42.[RACE] GoD Morning200000
43.[RACE] going around again200000
44.[RACE] Going-Down2101110
45.[RACE] Grindhouse100110
46.[RACE] Hillside Drift - Turismo100000
47.[RACE] HW5100000
48.[RACE] imolaesque100000
49.[RACE] indigo speedway101010
50.[RACE] infernus drift league 3100110
51.[RACE] infernus drift league2100000
52.[RACE] Infernus Sprint101110
53.[RACE] InsanityLS111010
54.[RACE] Insultan100000
55.[RACE] Insultan 2100110
56.[RACE] Insultan8100000
57.[RACE] Juice101010
58.[RACE] Jumping And Drifting100000
59.[RACE] Last One to the Beach is Ghey101010
60.[RACE] Lazarus speedway100000

Database updated: Today at 07:26:16

Designed by Surge