
Rank: 38th
Account: 123456789
Team: None
Total: 13
1st: 0
2nd: 2
3rd: 4
Finishes: 8
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
41.[RACE] Race to Jays01:32:5772016-05-25 17:07:30
42.[RACE] Rattler01:46:4932016-06-28 13:18:21
43.[RACE] Ride Ride Ride01:56:8342016-06-28 14:36:09
44.[RACE] Rizora01:50:3562016-05-25 16:58:58
45.[RACE] Rubber lover03:00:3102016-05-25 17:05:39
46.[RACE] Sewers - Season 4 version02:12:1202016-06-27 13:32:02
47.[RACE] Temper02:00:4052016-06-29 11:00:36
48.[RACE] Terminal Roads02:14:1512016-06-28 15:00:44
49.[RACE] The long tour of sa13:23:0912016-06-28 13:38:14
50.[RACE] The specialist 1002:57:8292016-06-27 14:22:09
51.[RACE] The test02:32:8162016-06-28 14:40:45
52.[RACE] Tourismo Talent 304:22:0452016-09-11 19:31:09
53.[RACE] Tyrell reverse01:47:4112016-06-28 13:21:26

Database updated: Today at 00:56:55

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