
Rank: 239th
Account: Yankes
Team: None
Total: 10
1st: 2
2nd: 3
3rd: 3
Finishes: 8
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] Arrapella01:43:4062015-03-23 14:23:40
2.[RACE] bewdley park02:17:4822015-03-23 19:43:03
3.[RACE] Clubfoot 2lap01:33:0612015-03-23 19:44:52
4.[RACE] Complete Drag00:55:3282015-03-23 14:24:51
5.[RACE] Country Skirmish02:12:5002015-03-23 14:16:07
6.[RACE] FDP Drag01:05:9182015-03-23 14:58:29
7.[RACE] Fine time09:49:4282015-03-23 14:57:06
8.[RACE] indigo speedway02:48:8982015-03-23 14:35:34
9.[RACE] Juice 402:12:4282015-03-23 14:00:22
10.[RACE] Jumping And Drifting08:18:8752015-03-23 13:57:24
11.[RACE] MSDrag01:06:1442015-03-23 14:32:29
12.[RACE] Namistai02:30:4602015-03-23 14:06:01
13.[RACE] Phail rally02:22:5662015-03-23 14:27:30
14.[RACE] Purple speedway reverse02:05:0782015-03-23 14:08:52
15.[RACE] SandKing of the road04:17:7422015-03-23 14:21:10
16.[RACE] Scraaper02:22:0682015-03-23 14:46:39
17.[RACE] Self Destruct03:32:8632015-03-23 14:13:11
18.[RACE] SF Burnthru 202:15:7902015-03-23 14:30:37
19.[RACE] Simpletown03:56:7872015-03-23 14:43:58
20.[RACE] Technical Itch03:07:4092015-03-23 14:39:28

Database updated: Today at 21:53:11

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