
Rank: 408th
Account: LexPhon3
Team: pru
Total: 5
1st: 1
2nd: 3
3rd: 0
Finishes: 4
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] a bridge too far01:22:8672015-02-11 18:51:11
2.[RACE] Autodromo02:33:9412015-02-11 19:00:23
3.[RACE] beachboys01:48:9912015-02-11 19:08:49
4.[RACE] Carquake part104:31:8642015-02-11 19:27:22
5.[RACE] Dam to farm01:34:4192015-02-11 19:13:56
6.[RACE] Dinghy Falls00:56:8832015-02-11 18:57:04
7.[RACE] GoD - Race01:44:5132015-02-11 18:49:05
8.[RACE] Gorecki park reverse01:37:3832015-02-11 19:02:39
9.[RACE] Leatherhead302:34:2582015-02-11 19:22:31
10.[RACE] Monzaesque02:11:4482015-02-11 18:53:38
11.[RACE] Race to Jays 202:00:5542015-02-11 19:16:13
12.[RACE] Thunder Valley 203:00:2162015-02-11 19:12:06
13.[RACE] Tourismo talent 403:10:4842015-02-11 19:19:40

Database updated: Today at 05:54:41

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