
Rank: 1110th
Account: SmiteR_2015
Team: None
Total: 12
1st: 7
2nd: 0
3rd: 0
Finishes: 7
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] Around 2wice more02:12:3432015-03-05 01:14:01
2.[RACE] bulletcatcher01:12:1812015-05-08 23:27:12
3.[RACE] Cyan circuit01:47:2752015-05-08 23:25:13
4.[RACE] Ethylene dreams03:14:8602015-05-08 23:37:49
5.[RACE] FDP midnight run 902:16:0972015-05-08 23:30:14
6.[RACE] Mega drive02:02:0672015-05-08 23:22:40
7.[RACE] Phat blister01:22:6232015-03-05 01:08:29
8.[RACE] Quarry Run02:47:9672015-05-08 23:33:48
9.[RACE] The big easy02:17:2782015-03-05 01:11:33
10.[RACE] The Venturas Blister02:43:8822015-03-05 01:17:10
11.[RACE] tourismo talent04:31:6002015-03-05 01:22:29
12.[RACE] Twin towns02:52:0632015-05-08 23:19:52

Database updated: Today at 14:17:03

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