
Rank: 804th
Account: shadowspring
Team: hungrycheetahs.com
Total: 9
1st: 4
2nd: 2
3rd: 1
Finishes: 7
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] Elemento02:31:7672015-05-05 19:58:59
2.[RACE] Megadeath01:46:4352015-05-05 19:52:45
3.[RACE] Novelty off roader02:13:8392015-05-05 20:02:00
4.[RACE] Rise of the sultan01:42:8212015-05-05 19:50:33
5.[RACE] Short Drag00:08:6102015-05-05 20:05:59
6.[RACE] Super sprint01:07:9782015-05-05 19:54:40
7.[RACE] Wu Zi Mu02:20:0332015-05-05 20:05:04

Database updated: Today at 14:36:52

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