
Rank: 2810th
Account: djlevi555
Team: None
Total: 6
1st: 0
2nd: 1
3rd: 1
Finishes: 3
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
21.[RACE] Shadow of chilliad02:42:7872015-07-28 21:05:48
22.[RACE] Solaris speedway02:37:7082015-07-28 21:21:55
23.[RACE] The knockout extended01:49:4952015-07-31 09:29:32
24.[RACE] tourismotalent207:06:2232015-07-28 20:52:28
25.[RACE] Translucent02:50:4182015-07-28 20:45:05
26.[RACE] Tug Drag by Aaron00:21:6392015-07-29 06:56:36
27.[RACE] Vinewood forever02:28:7012015-07-31 09:34:59
28.[RACE] Window shopper02:01:7352015-07-29 09:45:32

Database updated: Today at 21:09:54

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