
Rank: 1086th
Account: Achilleas
Team: None
Total: 7
1st: 4
2nd: 0
3rd: 1
Finishes: 6
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] [Try] Turismo Drift02:41:4962015-08-14 18:47:01
2.[RACE] Bike blaze 301:05:8542015-08-14 18:52:20
3.[RACE] Feeling the Pressure02:07:8252015-08-14 18:55:13
4.[RACE] nayC ciircuit01:46:0112015-08-14 18:50:30
5.[RACE] production02:27:1192015-08-14 18:43:54
6.[RACE] The last tourismo02:53:4422015-08-14 18:40:50

Database updated: Today at 10:09:17

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