
Rank: 186th
Account: Lomius
Team: None
Total: 215
1st: 25
2nd: 39
3rd: 15
Finishes: 108
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
81.[RACE] the knockout01:03:6822015-11-19 19:44:27
82.[RACE] The specialist 1002:07:1272015-11-19 18:12:46
83.[RACE] The Specialist302:29:3752015-11-20 16:22:47
84.[RACE] Thunder Valley 203:04:3702015-11-20 17:59:06
85.[RACE] Thunder Valley 302:02:1582015-11-21 17:54:54
86.[RACE] Tma-Sa-201:27:4372015-11-20 22:02:21
87.[RACE] Tma-Sa-401:14:6782015-11-20 16:44:19
88.[RACE] Tourismo Talent 303:56:8592015-11-21 12:16:46
89.[RACE] tsu oval02:07:5652015-11-21 12:50:28
90.[RACE] Venturian01:57:0132015-11-21 17:52:16
91.[RACE] Vipercup 201101:45:2932017-01-08 16:06:42
92.[RACE] Winfield01:42:3322017-01-08 15:56:48
93.[RACE] Wings 302:24:5042015-11-19 18:07:45
94.[RACE] world hold on02:28:1112015-11-20 07:36:02

Database updated: Today at 22:06:13

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