
Rank: 60th
Account: ~MaX#
Team: Proszit Piano Bár
Total: 17,454
1st: 229
2nd: 56
3rd: 15
Finishes: 315
Kills: 2

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[DM] ALV Vol.11 - Hit the floor03:03:7162015-12-06 19:04:40
2.[DM] AmiabLe Vol.8 - Levitate02:27:3382016-06-26 16:56:49
3.[DM] AmonRa Vol.2 - Improved Island02:58:6962016-04-30 18:41:12
4.[DM] AnTi-Z ft. DeRoX - Chain Hang Low02:56:3782016-03-21 16:07:34
5.[DM] AweSomee Vol.1 - Eleventh Hour03:30:0092016-03-26 13:55:28
6.[DM] Boost ft. VantaGe - Forest Situation II02:46:2742016-10-08 15:20:23
7.[DM] BreAkeR Vol.11 - Almost Perfect III03:18:4072016-03-06 11:54:42
8.[DM] BriaN Vol.17 - An Alone Soul II03:04:3352015-11-28 22:26:10
9.[DM] Cookie Vol.12 - Artwork02:40:5752016-07-28 15:42:54
10.[DM] Cookie Vol.13 - My Old Style02:59:2502017-02-11 18:07:04
11.[DM] CooN ft. LycaN - Temple02:08:5962016-01-01 17:10:35
12.[DM] CooN ft. XeaT ft. DioGo - The Walking Dead02:55:0292015-12-06 00:16:04
13.[DM] CooN ft. XeaT. ft. Moita - Intensity II02:59:6412016-08-25 22:46:01
14.[DM] CooN Vol.3 - Swan Song02:36:4942016-05-29 18:33:34
15.[DM] Corrupt Vol.3 - Cocolani Island02:38:0442016-05-22 13:26:19
16.[DM] CresPro ft. Darmos ft. Cheslav ft. Spotlight - Sands of the Desert II03:32:8612016-04-09 21:44:06
17.[DM] CrystalCastles Vol.7 - Adventure Time II03:30:9772016-09-24 18:35:19
18.[DM] D4sjokeR Vol.8 - Say Goodbye03:08:0592016-03-26 13:59:01
19.[DM] Dealy Vol.3 Last Pieces02:58:7592016-03-14 20:48:53
20.[DM] Disaster Vol.4 - Avatar03:22:9962016-06-26 17:08:09

Database updated: Today at 10:09:15

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