Training and Drive

Rank: 16th
Members: 3
Total: 798
1st: 190
2nd: 153
3rd: 53
Finishes: 412
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
401.[RACE] The cloudy circuit201010
402.[RACE] The grid100000
403.[RACE] The grid 2310010
404.[RACE] The knockout extended101010
405.[RACE] The last infernus110010
406.[RACE] The last tourismo110010
407.[RACE] The long kick200000
408.[RACE] The long tour of sa300000
409.[RACE] The Nevada Strip411140
410.[RACE] The smog200000
411.[RACE] The specialist 10100000
412.[RACE] The specialist 2013100000
413.[RACE] The Specialist 4101010
414.[RACE] The specialist 5110010
415.[RACE] The Specialist3200000
416.[RACE] Thunder Valley110010
417.[RACE] Thunder Valley 3312030
418.[RACE] Thunder Valley 4200020
419.[RACE] Titanium100110
420.[RACE] Tma-Sa-1210010

Database updated: Today at 23:22:03

Designed by Surge