
Rank: 1074th
Account: Rai
Team: World stunt Evolution|
Total: 47
1st: 6
2nd: 12
3rd: 5
Finishes: 26
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] AirFlip(1)01:38:5232018-03-03 16:02:38
2.[RACE] Bayside drag01:11:8782018-03-03 16:08:08
3.[RACE] Bike blaze 201:14:0902018-02-28 20:33:29
4.[RACE] Bike blaze 301:06:5432018-02-28 20:34:58
5.[RACE] Bowling00:23:9132018-02-28 20:10:05
6.[RACE] Bridge drag01:36:9142018-02-28 20:14:13
7.[RACE] Bullring202:36:0662018-02-28 20:05:27
8.[RACE] By any means02:34:5982018-02-27 17:19:06
9.[RACE] Cheater beater01:54:2982018-02-28 20:16:22
10.[RACE] Cheater beater 202:02:5532018-03-02 23:39:25
11.[RACE] Clubfoot 3lap02:22:0132018-03-02 23:57:32
12.[RACE] Coaster drag01:29:5302018-03-03 16:11:21
13.[RACE] Colossal drag00:37:1902018-02-28 20:21:18
14.[RACE] Complete Drag00:50:7302018-02-28 20:17:43
15.[RACE] Dam to farm01:32:2182018-03-02 23:25:08
16.[RACE] Devils claw02:38:0272018-02-27 18:05:48
17.[RACE] DockiParabolics - Normal Circuit01:34:1692018-02-27 17:49:55
18.[RACE] down in the valley02:06:9052018-03-03 15:43:25
19.[RACE] Elemento Vol.2 test02:31:5672018-03-02 23:19:48
20.[RACE] Euroracer01:34:1132018-02-28 20:11:54

Database updated: Today at 11:42:51

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