
Rank: 193rd
Account: vuldii
Team: kyo swy
Total: 142
1st: 46
2nd: 43
3rd: 20
Finishes: 118
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
141.[RACE] Tanya Circuit01:35:1882014-06-08 14:06:05
142.[RACE] taxi mate05:24:2992014-12-22 11:11:36
143.[RACE] The Aurora02:39:0392015-05-16 14:08:56
144.[RACE] The cloudy circuit01:58:8632014-12-19 19:11:35
145.[RACE] the specialist02:45:4262015-05-16 14:15:25
146.[RACE] The test02:21:3042014-12-19 18:52:15
147.[RACE] themammoth02:30:9562014-12-19 18:43:46
148.[RACE] Thunder Valley 4 3Lap02:38:8662015-05-16 14:38:04
149.[RACE] Tma-Sa-401:31:4122014-05-05 16:51:42
150.[RACE] Tma-Sa-602:17:5762014-06-19 11:10:21
151.[RACE] Tma-Sa-7-Short00:47:9292014-06-09 16:14:13
152.[RACE] Tour of Fury02:02:6462014-12-11 19:40:45
153.[RACE] Tryathalon02:08:1802014-12-22 11:31:03
154.[RACE] Tug Drag by Aaron00:24:1262014-06-08 14:04:02
155.[RACE] Voltario01:36:7752014-12-11 19:45:42
156.[RACE] Wings 202:11:0692014-12-11 18:57:02
157.[RACE] You Need Skills02:04:2302014-06-02 15:57:14
158.[RACE] ZedrimR01:51:0412014-12-11 19:43:22
159.[RACE] zrink02:06:0602014-12-22 11:01:28

Database updated: Today at 07:24:53

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