giga chad team

Rank: 26th
Members: 1
Total: 56
1st: 2
2nd: 10
3rd: 6
Finishes: 19
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
41.[RACE] SandKing of the road101010
42.[RACE] Sf eastloop100000
43.[RACE] Simple Kaos100000
44.[RACE] Slaajump3201120
45.[RACE] steady as you go200000
46.[RACE] Tag100000
47.[RACE] The Aurora100000
48.[RACE] the fierro comet100000
49.[RACE] the same but different100000
50.[RACE] The specialist 10100000
51.[RACE] The specialist 7101010
52.[RACE] Wu Zi Mu 2100110

Database updated: Today at 23:55:13

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