Topic: Girard unban request (Mettuy)  (Read 8392 times)


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Girard unban request (Mettuy)
2015-06-22 00:36:50
Nick: GiRaRd
Reason:me and my team (TK) won cw vs GoD and mettuy banned us all from god public sv
Time: long long time ago
Admin: Mettyu
Description: wanted to test my luck;
Why should we unban you?: cuz isn't unfair
Last Edit: 2015-06-22 17:21:35 by GiRaRd11
GoD pwnr


  • Nolifer
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Re: Girard unban request (Mettuy)
#1 2015-06-22 19:38:07
At least, dont lie


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Re: Girard unban request (Mettuy)
#2 2015-06-23 00:37:22
GoD pwnr


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Re: Girard unban request (Mettuy)
#3 2015-06-23 00:45:52
go add some fake cw's and scores like always
kurwa mac japierdol ego racist madafucka
oh wait that logic "website bugged"
GoD pwnr


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Re: Girard unban request (Mettuy)
#4 2015-06-23 10:21:20
never added fake cw's and scores


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Re: Girard unban request (Mettuy)
#5 2015-06-23 15:15:50
First of all, u are cheetah modder, everybody know this. We didn't add fake cw's, like u and your teammates, in cw u always used laggs and cheats, it was impossible to kill you. Honestly after that reasons u want unban? U cant even write correctly his name :D (Mettuy)

ps: szmato jebana twoja matka spierdalaj zapierdole kuwa mac


  • Nolifer
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Re: Girard unban request (Mettuy)
#6 2015-06-23 19:18:09
Noone trust in the words of your kind.. :) You are the one who was always crying, tryna find excuses, use lags and some unfair things. GoD have never had problems with clanwars, only little kidoos says we dont publish wars. Learn to play buddy and then we can talk.


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Re: Girard unban request (Mettuy)
#7 2015-06-27 02:27:25
First of all, u are cheetah modder, everybody know this. We didn't add fake cw's, like u and your teammates, in cw u always used laggs and cheats, it was impossible to kill you. Honestly after that reasons u want unban? U cant even write correctly his name :D (Mettuy)

ps: szmato jebana twoja matka spierdalaj zapierdole kuwa mac
idc about his fucking name
GoD pwnr


  • Nolifer
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Re: Girard unban request (Mettuy)
#8 2015-06-27 09:56:07
Idc about your ban


  • Nolifer
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Re: Girard unban request (Mettuy)
#9 2015-07-06 16:21:31

ps: szmato jebana twoja matka spierdalaj zapierdole kuwa mac



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