Topic: DempZy's Join Request  (Read 4610 times)


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  • The Challenger
DempZy's Join Request
2018-03-24 13:48:05
Nickname: DempZy
Previous names: =KoG=Thov
My serial: - (I'd rather not)
Date of birth: 23.08.1998
Location: United Kingdom
Playing since: 2008
Previous clans: =KoG=
I'm skilled at (DD or DM): DM mainly
I play, played here: More recently, the past week. But previously, I was here in 2014 for some months.
Spoken languages: English
Skype address:
Maps I'm best on: I'm good on many maps, it would be hard to condense them into a list that I'm "the best" in. I guess I'm better at maps that use logic, that you could finish without knowing them initially.
Why I want to join the clan: I'm familiar with the team from the past and I know they had a good reputation, as I'm sure you guys still have to this day. From the ones I've spoken to, I also think the members are friendly and I could get on with them, despite me not knowing Hungarian! Yea, English is all I've got I'm afraid. Hopefully that's a good thing though, I'm fluent in English. Finally, I think the server's great. Some may disagree, say it needs updating etc. etc. But I think the server's fine as it is right now. And the maps that are played here are familiarising me with modern day MTA again, which I'm grateful for.
Why should we accept You: Well, I'm an old player so I have lots of experience and I have map knowledge pre-2014. I'm still sort of learning maps since I left this game. Like I said, I'm also fluent English so I can maybe help there? I also moderated for 2 years in Killers of GTA so I'm familiar with the administrative tools and actions that may need to be taken. Back in the day, I used to be a skilled player and I'd make lots of toptimes so providing I train myself up, I could be useful in clanwars. Finally, I can ensure I'll be active in the server, as I have quite a lot of free time on my hands and enjoy my time in your server. I'd be proud to wear the tag.
Other information: I have won some old tournaments, I was pretty experienced in the air play. Besides that, I took a huge break from this game in 2014. And I only returned this month.
Last Edit: 2019-12-14 22:42:32 by DempZy


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Re: DempZy's Join Request
#1 2018-03-24 14:22:27
Last Edit: 2019-12-14 22:42:18 by DempZy


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Re: DempZy's Join Request
#2 2018-03-24 15:47:42


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Re: DempZy's Join Request
#3 2018-03-24 16:17:06


  • Geek
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Re: DempZy's Join Request
#4 2018-03-24 17:26:01
nice guy + + +


  • Nolifer
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Re: DempZy's Join Request
#5 2018-03-24 17:47:43


  • Nolifer
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Re: DempZy's Join Request
#6 2018-03-26 15:20:52
Accepted, Welcome :)


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