Topic: Sentry Join Request  (Read 5847 times)


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Sentry Join Request
2018-06-29 19:39:54
Nickname: Sentry
Previous names: DKTrickon ( 2010-2011 )
My serial: 576BEF4F17F7CA42E026003DF5AEE043
Date of birth: 8/June/2000
Location: Portugal / Funchal
Playing since: 2010
Previous clans: [HHX], 'TC|, [LnS]
I´m skilled at ( DD or DM ): DD
I play, played here: Turkye DD, SMT, GoD, WayDC, Polish Pr0 Server
Spoken Languages: Portuguese and English
Skype adress: portuga.mta
Maps I´m best on: Cross s15, Cross ZY, Zaya Training, Wankenstein ZM
Why I want to join the clan: I´m looking for a serious and fixed clan with cheerful atmosphere with mature and skilled players, I know this clan for so long and it was always a clan that I enjoyed and wanted to be part of !
Why should we accept you: I´m smart, friend, chilled and positive person, I never give up, no matter what, I always try to do my best to don´t disappoint my teammates, I play this game since 2010, I stopped for almost 3 years but I´m back to active for 1 year...
Other information: -


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Re: Sentry Join Request
#1 2018-07-01 21:22:43
Accepted, welcome in the clan.


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