Nickname: Srunweldx
Previous names: BlackLine#!
Serial: 6901CF97636CD3EA3A7F7C48B0BC2233
Date of birth: 10.25.2001
Playing Since: 2010
Previous Clans:
>VIP< - Very Important Players |Head of DD| Left
[DL] - Destruction Derby Legends |Member| Closed
[BO] - Blood Out |Member| Closed
[VI] - Vikings |Member| Left
[Hex] - Extreme Hen-tai | Founder | İnactive
[RoD] - Ride Or Die |Member | Closed
[HWA] - Hard Ware Arena | Member | Closed
I'm skilled at (DD or DM): DD
I play, played here: DDC , SR , FT , MX , MTA-TURKEY , TDD , TRDD and a lot of servers
Spoken languages: TR , ENG
Skype address: SztSrunweldx
Maps I'm best on: All Cross maps
Why I want to join the clan: I've been looking for a long time good clan
I thought the [GoD] clan very good
Why should we accept You: because I can play very good ,
I can get along with GoD team and my dude Furkan''Amonra''
Other information: My Name is Mehmet and I live in Turkey/Istanbul , I'm 18 years old
I'm studying in high school electirical deparment , I like watching anime or movies.