
Rank: 6th
Account: LaCe
Team: [CwC] Cuz we Can
Total: 981
1st: 281
2nd: 258
3rd: 109
Finishes: 758
Kills: 1

 Map TimeDateTop time
41.[RACE] Trying Times01:49:7882015-08-02 18:32:36
42.[RACE] Tribe02:39:5722015-07-15 11:20:55
43.[RACE] Tremorgothic02:01:5532014-12-20 14:16:27
44.[RACE] Translucent02:18:4722015-12-14 18:15:39
45.[RACE] Tracker 201:36:5742014-11-30 14:22:04
46.[RACE] Tourismo talent 403:03:5622015-08-11 12:04:23
47.[RACE] Tourismo Talent 303:43:7292014-12-20 12:36:11
48.[RACE] tourismo talent03:58:4152014-11-22 17:16:35
49.[RACE] Tma-Sa-401:11:7062015-07-08 11:39:03
50.[RACE] Tma-Sa-102:53:9012014-12-07 21:58:27
51.[RACE] Tiger Country Race03:14:3422015-03-10 20:24:16
52.[RACE] Thunder Valley 4 3Lap02:25:6792015-08-10 18:17:52
53.[RACE] Thunder Valley 301:58:0492015-07-24 15:40:28
54.[RACE] Thunder Valley 201401:46:6612014-12-07 16:03:39
55.[RACE] Thunder Valley 202:49:8132015-07-24 15:47:24
56.[RACE] thunder01:43:6592014-11-22 15:42:12
57.[RACE] the x 02:05:4422015-07-23 13:40:32
58.[RACE] the venturas comet01:54:4322015-07-10 15:53:00
59.[RACE] The Venturas Blister01:51:8292014-12-07 11:57:21
60.[RACE] The Specialist302:16:4482015-03-23 00:02:18

Database updated: Today at 07:54:39

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