
Rank: 314th
Account: Balazs11
Team: None
Total: 97
1st: 17
2nd: 21
3rd: 11
Finishes: 58
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] Wraith02:09:9472015-10-25 17:03:27
2.[RACE] VIP On The Sky13:17:5942016-03-12 13:26:44
3.[RACE] the specialist02:43:5932015-10-29 13:50:37
4.[RACE] The smog02:02:0552016-01-01 22:21:14
5.[RACE] the knockout00:56:3252015-10-25 17:00:30
6.[RACE] The bigger picture02:08:0072015-10-29 14:04:08
7.[RACE] Teh dragzor01:22:7842015-10-28 15:58:08
8.[RACE] Tag02:02:6532017-01-02 17:05:08
9.[RACE] Short Drag00:08:2612015-10-28 15:56:29
10.[RACE] Rez reloaded02:31:7752016-01-01 22:24:00
11.[RACE] Revolution302:01:5412015-10-25 16:40:19
12.[RACE] ProRide Sandking Rally02:27:2032016-03-12 13:39:00
13.[RACE] Poutain forest02:01:9002016-03-12 13:45:24
14.[RACE] Orange water02:00:3782015-10-25 17:50:23
15.[RACE] Olympic Jump 300:30:5482016-03-04 17:22:25
16.[RACE] Off the curb02:02:6182015-10-25 17:27:43
17.[RACE] Mutfak01:35:4562015-10-25 16:48:11
18.[RACE] Mountain drag00:30:2662015-10-25 18:06:12
19.[RACE] Monumental03:35:0132015-10-25 16:34:47
20.[RACE] Mentul drag00:47:2262016-03-12 13:34:40

Database updated: Today at 11:54:55

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