
Rank: 55th
Account: Gr0x
Team: Gladiators of Darkness
Total: 18,673
1st: 443
2nd: 92
3rd: 41
Finishes: 610
Kills: 28

 MapTimeDateTop time
101.[DM] Spectrum Vol.2 - Desert Storm03:21:6242014-08-07 18:23:55
102.[DM] Felina ft. Cryptex ft. Stylex ft. iRenox - A Place of Beauty II03:02:8062016-01-23 18:45:12
103.[DM] DiatroN! - All Is Fair In Love?03:21:9022015-07-29 04:47:42
104.[DM] xCro Vol.6 - Speedrush II03:14:0652016-02-18 22:22:13
105.[DM] UN3xpected ft. Rause ft. BRA - Fellows III02:59:1202015-05-15 12:43:37
106.[DM] GameX ft. Sheep - The Western03:06:1382017-10-09 11:11:13
107.[DM] GravitY Vol.2 - Evanescence03:01:0582014-08-13 11:18:55
108.[DM] CheQuito Vol.4 - Creps II03:16:7402018-06-03 19:19:18
109.[DM] Ron1 Vol.3 - Crush04:04:9112015-05-07 23:42:25
110.[DM] SlowSheep Vol.4 - Rush Hour03:29:6212014-08-02 19:06:55
111.[DM] DC Vol.11 - Maximal Crazy03:35:5072014-07-29 19:57:54
112.[DM] AweSomee ft. deathcube - Paranormal Trip03:21:0042015-06-07 10:54:07
113.[DM] Rafinha Vol.11 - Black and Yellow III03:58:8112015-05-10 18:18:15
114.[DM] Banshee ft. NoS ft. Felina ft. giampa - Strange Valley02:23:1322018-10-07 11:04:45
115.[DM] eXcY Vol.3 - The Magic Of Nature03:20:0612020-10-20 23:47:38
116.[DM] GTX Vol.1 - Stars Dreaming03:47:6722014-07-30 02:57:48

Database updated: Today at 21:26:19

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