Rank: 163rd
Account: gabor.daniel
Team: Legends Forever
Total: 75
1st: 1
2nd: 6
3rd: 10
Finishes: 28
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
21.[RACE] LV Sprint02:03:1042014-01-23 16:43:51
22.[RACE] maroon speedway02:07:2862014-11-22 15:30:11
23.[RACE] Mobeius02:40:3272015-06-06 16:52:42
24.[RACE] Novelty off roader02:18:9262015-04-17 17:59:08
25.[RACE] Pink slip02:46:9992015-01-10 20:51:05
26.[RACE] Redwater02:20:7102014-11-29 18:07:50
27.[RACE] SF by Night03:19:9962015-01-10 20:48:00
28.[RACE] Short Drag00:08:1082014-07-01 23:56:02
29.[RACE] Streetwars SF03:12:0572015-10-09 19:43:43
30.[RACE] The test02:34:3342015-01-11 16:06:19
31.[RACE] thunder01:43:9932014-11-22 15:42:12
32.[RACE] Trying Times02:24:8432015-01-11 16:00:28
33.[RACE] Twin towns03:05:4652015-10-09 19:36:31
34.[RACE] You cannot be serious01:24:6452014-11-22 15:25:10

Database updated: Today at 17:07:44

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