
Rank: 253rd
Account: Thepears
Team: None
Total: 33
1st: 4
2nd: 5
3rd: 7
Finishes: 17
Kills: 1

 Map TimeDateTop time
1.[RACE] Blue water02:02:8992015-10-24 09:29:05
2.[RACE] Bowling00:29:9392015-10-30 21:31:24
3.[RACE] Brabham GP02:07:2862015-10-14 16:27:45
4.[RACE] closeracing201202:11:5982015-10-30 21:36:05
5.[RACE] Closing speed02:12:8522015-11-13 16:36:13
6.[RACE] Clubfoot 2lap01:46:9452015-10-30 21:38:07
7.[RACE] Eradica8or02:25:3912015-10-31 11:20:40
8.[RACE] Escape From Military06:50:5562015-10-31 11:32:42
9.[RACE] FDP midnight run 801:42:5962015-10-30 21:33:22
10.[RACE] FIIK02:22:0942016-02-13 18:17:52
11.[RACE] GoD - Bridge01:21:1282015-10-14 19:38:54
12.[RACE] Grindhouse01:44:6912015-10-31 11:34:42
13.[RACE] Hot Desert03:45:6332015-10-30 21:27:16
14.[RACE] HTmotorcity03:42:0812015-10-31 11:25:07
15.[RACE] Insultan 302:14:2382015-10-24 09:24:00
16.[RACE] Last race to Jays02:08:2122015-10-14 16:25:12
17.[RACE] maroon speedway02:32:7692015-10-11 14:21:22
18.[RACE] Miniwikis 2lap02:18:7252015-10-11 14:26:56
19.[RACE] MSD9001:55:3872015-10-16 10:30:22
20.[RACE] Off the curb02:58:6372015-10-30 21:19:09

Database updated: Today at 17:42:48

Designed by Surge