
Rank: 192nd
Members: 1
Total: 161
1st: 3
2nd: 1
3rd: 0
Finishes: 4
Kills: 0

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
1.[DM] AbodyRulez Vol.5 - For The Love Of JameS100000
2.[DM] AmonRa Vol.2 - Improved Island100000
3.[DM] AquiL - Get Rekt100000
4.[DM] ARmada ft. LabiVila - SpecializationS100000
5.[DM] ARmada Vol.10 - The Dark Massacre2730030
6.[DM] ARmada Vol.7 - Heart Of The Exile100000
7.[DM] Boxter Vol.5 - Despiar II100000
8.[DM] BreAkeR Vol.9 - LeveL UP II500000
9.[DM] Conquer ft. StrangeR ft. Style - Lose Yourself100000
10.[DM] CooL ft. Cosa_Nostra - New Island100000
11.[DM] CooN ft. V1sh4L - Coosh4LProject100000
12.[DM] D4sjokeR Vol.9 - Feeling Stronger100000
13.[DM] Darmos Vol.2 - Back To History II600000
14.[DM] DeRoX ft. KnockZ ft. Artic ft. OxY - Glorious Caves200000
15.[DM] Disaster Vol.4 - Avatar100000
16.[DM] DK Vol.8 - Traveling Out There100000
17.[DM] DLF Vol.5 - Wilder Miles100000
18.[DM] EternaL Vol.4 - Rock Island100000
19.[DM] Excy ft. DLF ft. Tor3To - Forgotten Lands II100000
20.[DM] Exile ft. Dreams - Sleepless II100000

Database updated: Today at 23:53:55

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