
Rank: 336th
Account: Gyu
Team: None
Total: 26
1st: 2
2nd: 5
3rd: 2
Finishes: 11
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
41.[RACE] Kanyon Tura03:04:5672014-03-30 16:24:20
42.[RACE] Motkany Drag01:46:7082014-03-30 16:16:35
43.[RACE] MsC Race 200806:46:0132014-04-06 11:17:56
44.[RACE] Night of the tourismo02:21:1492014-12-14 17:12:40
45.[RACE] Nothing ventured202:19:0682014-12-14 17:22:42
46.[RACE] NRG Acrobatic02:24:7852014-04-03 12:49:13
47.[RACE] NRG-500 LS Sprint01:03:5972014-03-30 13:06:56
48.[RACE] Ovalduel02:06:5162014-12-18 17:45:32
49.[RACE] Ovatosan00:47:1982014-04-02 16:42:10
50.[RACE] ProRide Drag00:36:9782014-03-30 15:50:32
51.[RACE] ProRide Wu Zi Mu02:02:9002014-04-02 15:53:49
52.[RACE] Quarrybang01:43:0342014-12-14 17:24:41
53.[RACE] RamBam01:20:5602014-12-18 17:27:39
54.[RACE] Reasonably priced car01:52:5562014-12-14 17:20:06
55.[RACE] Sandking by Bra'nyi02:25:4412014-04-02 12:40:15
56.[RACE] Short Drag00:08:1282014-04-10 18:42:53
57.[RACE] Skyline03:25:1042014-04-02 16:32:02
58.[RACE] Supercharge01:55:0222014-12-18 17:39:12
59.[RACE] TahomaNights03:37:9252014-12-14 17:16:34
60.[RACE] Tanya Circuit01:15:2722014-04-02 16:00:39

Database updated: Today at 07:53:00

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