
Rank: 10th
Members: 0
Total: 1,646
1st: 5
2nd: 2
3rd: 3
Finishes: 12
Kills: 7

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
21.[DM] ARmada Vol.9 - Tropex200000
22.[DM] AweSomee ft. deathcube - Paranormal Trip100000
23.[DM] AweSomee Vol.1 - Eleventh Hour400000
24.[DM] Banshee ft. SebaS ft. TNT ft. BreAkeR - Out Of Heaven100000
25.[DM] Blue ft. Flame ft. Fire - Innocent Discretion200000
26.[DM] Boost ft. FiNN - War Devastated World100000
27.[DM] Boost ft. JohnY - Forest Situation III100000
28.[DM] Boost ft. P4w3L ft. AbodyRulez - Reflection Of Perfection100000
29.[DM] Boost ft. VantaGe - Forest Situation II200000
30.[DM] BreAkeR Vol.10 - Rock Tomb600000
31.[DM] BreAkeR Vol.8 - Spectrum300000
32.[DM] BreAkeR Vol.9 - LeveL UP II100000
33.[DM] BriaN ft. Atzen ft. TNT ft. CooN - Do Not Be Afraid V300000
34.[DM] BriaN ft. SazukE ft. Snake ft. CresheZ - Dark Saints500000
35.[DM] BriaN Vol.12 - BRUTAL II400000
36.[DM] BriaN Vol.16 - Patience, She Said100000
37.[DM] BrokeN ft. iRenox ft. Roy4L ft. KnOwN - Once Again600000
38.[DM] BullishDe Vol.4 - Still Nothing100000
39.[DM] CharlieSce/\/e ft. Boxter - Weapon Of Love200000
40.[DM] Chipy ft. FraN-724 ft. DeXteR - Egyptian Desert300000

Database updated: Today at 08:39:11

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