|| HardCore Clan ||

Rank: 6th
Members: 5
Total: 2,785
1st: 820
2nd: 595
3rd: 357
Finishes: 1,713
Kills: 3

 Map Total1st2nd3rdFinishesKills
801.[RACE] The Reward311010
802.[RACE] the same but different200020
803.[RACE] the santos comet211020
804.[RACE] The smog201020
805.[RACE] The source220020
806.[RACE] the specialist211020
807.[RACE] The specialist 10101010
808.[RACE] the specialist 2100010
809.[RACE] The specialist 2013100000
810.[RACE] The specialist 5220020
811.[RACE] The specialist 7210010
812.[RACE] The specialist 9522150
813.[RACE] The test610010
814.[RACE] The Venturas Blister101010
815.[RACE] the venturas comet631150
816.[RACE] the x 101010
817.[RACE] themammoth100010
818.[RACE] thunder412230
819.[RACE] Thunder Valley 2301120
820.[RACE] Thunder Valley 2014302130

Database updated: Today at 13:25:19

Designed by Surge