
Rank: 7th
Account: Marci
Team: GoD From AliExpress
Total: 812
1st: 2
2nd: 4
3rd: 6
Finishes: 20
Kills: 0

 Map TimeDateTop time
21.[RACE] Sharp end 202:47:8322014-11-20 20:30:24
22.[RACE] Solaris speedway02:16:2102014-11-20 20:27:04
23.[RACE] Terminal Roads02:01:8942014-11-20 18:57:58
24.[RACE] The knockout extended01:52:2932014-11-20 19:08:14
25.[RACE] the x 02:09:9942014-11-20 18:43:59

Database updated: Today at 21:47:22

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